Cleanse FAQ

Next online cleanse :  October 3-13 2020 Meeting 10:30-12:30am PST Saturday Oct 3. Optional included vinyasa detox flow Saturday 8:30am-9:45am PST. Pre cleanse days (gather and prepare) Oct 3-5, Cleanse Days Oct 6-13.

Why cleanse in the fall? The theme of this cleanse is grounding and nourishing. As the heat of summer moves into a cooler drier fall, we often feel dehydration and depletion. Unwind from the heat and upheaval of summer and prepare the body for a healthy and grounded Autumn. Amidst global uncertainty- there has never been a better time to strengthen your immune system and mental resolve, to pause and reflect in solitude with global support. Join Kameko Shibata online for a 10-day cleanse rooted in Ayurveda that will leave your body, mind and spirit nourished for the season ahead. Amidst global uncertainty- there has never been a better time to strengthen your immune system and mental resolve, to pause and reflect in solitude with community support. 

What can I expect from the cleanse? The cleanse is an opportunity to reset the body and mind. It draws on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and yoga, which invites us to balance and reset seasonally. The cleanse includes: a vegetarian mono-diet to reset the gut, with herbs and teas. There is a self- regulated break from stimulants including: alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, recreational drugs, excessive social media. Learn to set a daily self-care morning routine and nightly routine integrating Ayurvedic self massage, breathing practices and mindful intentions. Receive 1 on 1 support from Kameko with a private 30 minute consult, 4 live yoga classes (with recordings), 2 mediation recordings. Daily emails and support.

What will I be eating? Kitchari! (a mixture of moong beans and basmati rice) which is the classical Ayurvedic cleanse food, It’s a vegetarian (vegan options available) complete protein, easy to digest, helps reset the digestive system and cleanse the liver. (For anyone challenged by  kitchari alternatives are available, please reach out before hand to make arrangements). Other foods to enjoy during that cleanse include: steamed and fresh vegetables,: non-soy miso soup, herbal pestos and dips, AVOCADOS, dates, ghee, spices, juices, fruit on its own. This is a cleanse not a fast.

What won’t I be having? Alcohol, refined sugars, caffeine, meat, excessive social media, late nights.

Is it all about food? No, thank you for asking. Food is part of it, but cleansing is an ancient Ayurvedic art, that includes the mental and emotions systems as well as the physical body. You will be asked to do a daily guided meditation (recordings provided) and pranayama practices to sooth the nervous system.  You will be provided with an active vinyasa and meditative yoga video for home practice. You will be asked to practice self care- oilinate your skin, scrape your tongue and use a neti pot. You will drink teas and take some herbs to support cleansing. You will be asked to journal/reflect on your patterns and emotions related to food, stimulants and self-care. This cleanse is a holistic experience!

Is this a fad diet? – No, Ayurveda is preventive medicine, based on the concept that health is not merely the absence of disease, but health is balance. This is an opportunity to find balance in body, mind and spirit.  I hope you find the food to be delicious and cleansing, and the self-care practices to be something you will continue to use over time. To create change in ourselves we often need quick-start support, which this cleanse offers. 

Will I be fasting?– Nope, its healthier to keep the digestive system working at a slower reduced rate than to suddenly shut it off altogether. There is an option to only take liquids (miso, broth, soups, juice) for one day , but I only recommend that to more kapha/pitta clients, or if you have the day off. No major work deadlines on juice!

Will I lose weight?- Depends on if that’s your goal or not and how different this diet is to your normal diet. The overall goal is to cleanse and relax the system not lose weight. However, if you’re working to shed extra weight from a centenary lifestyle and unhealthy eating you likely will. If you struggle with weight what this cleanse offers is an opportunity to cut back on unhealthy habits to notice where you have patterns and attachments to food. Going forward you might not choose to use so many foods/substances that trigger you. Stress reductions, which this cleanse provides, is also an excellent tool to help drop unhealthy weight.  If those who are trying not to loose weight- I will give you options like using more ghee and nourishing foods versas cleansing foods.

Will it be hard? – The first 3 days are usually the hardest especially if you are cutting out caffeine and sugar for the first time in awhile. those affect our endorphin levels and we feel bummed without them. After about 3 days your body normalizes and you no longer crave and feel so dependent on substances. This is why its nice to do it with the support of a group. We can email each other-like damn I was crabby, but now I’m feeling better”

Will I levitate?– Not likely, although if you fast you might fall over . But it could happen. I do believe in possibilities!

What if I miss the meeting?- There will be an recording.

How can I best prepare for the cleanse? Set up that week to be very light. Try to finish projects the week before and minimal social engagements (especially that involve food, drinking and late nights.) The more relaxed the week is the smoother it will go! There is a prep list of foods, herbs and spices to gather before hand. You will receive it once you register. You also have 3 days to prepare and gather items (Oct 3-6 prep days).

What if I’m raw..gluten free…vegan etc? Email me before it starts we can work around it. The cleanse is already gluten free and vegan (although you have the option of ghee) Raw is a little harder, as ayurveda is all about cooked , simple, warm and easy to digest foods, but it would be a fun challenge.

What will I tell my friends?– That you are taking a week to reset your digestive system, and balance your mental and emotional health to come out of summer feeling grounded and nourished. Ask them to join you. Tell them you are taking responsibility for your own health.

What will I feed my kids?– This maybe the hardest one. Try to have some things pre-made for them. Kids may not like lentils, but the veggie pesto, fresh fruits, miso soup you can often get them to go for. Explain what you are doing so they feel included and interested. Try not to yell at them in the first 3 days!

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Ghee (+ Dates)