Ghee (+ Dates)


Ghee is clarified butter, and is the most magical of the healing Ayurvedic foods.

How to make ghee:

Use organic UNSALTED butter Cut into small pieces, simmer (very low) in heavy bottomed sauce pan for approx 30 minutes (until it starts to turn slightly golden, and the milks solids rise).

Do not stir.

Chant mantras: om sri ganesha namaha or santi mantras

Scoop solids off the top, put cheese cloth in a strainer and strain through until you have beautiful golden liquid. 
Do not cover cooling ghee with a lid as condensation occurs.
Use on everything.

Dates and ghee: Spread a bit of ghee on a pitted medjool date. Add a pinch of cardamon, cinnamon and salt. Almond butter or tahini work as a vegan alternative to ghee. Use for nourishment, rejuvenation and to ground vata and pacifying pitta. Don’t over use with excess kapha.


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