
Water Element (Jala)

Matter in a liquid state. Water is nourishment. Water is flow, sometimes a tsunami and sometimes a stream. The water element is substance and volume without stability. Water is powerful, unpredicatable and heavy, it yeilds to whatver is in its path. It cleanses and bring life.

Qualities of the Water Element

Dosha: Kapha (water + earth)

Sense Organ: Tongue/taste

Gunas: liquid, heavy, dense, oily, sticky, slimy, fluid

Energetic pathway in hand:  Index finger

Bija Mantra: Vam

Chakra: 2nd - Svadisthana

Physical Qualities: lymphatic flow (rasa), movement of liquids in body, sacrum, reproductive, hips, urinary, kidneys

Energetic Qualities: Nurturing, heavy, accommodating, flexible, emotional, adaptable, lingering, cool, attached, forceful, serine, refreshing, hydrating, pliable, communal, go with the flow, icompassion, tears, inclusive, creativity, sexuality, juicy 

Signs of a weak Water Element:

Feeling of dehydration.

Feeling of dry skin, cracking joints and dry hair.

Feeling crunchy in the body.

Feeling inflexible, stiff and static.

Feeling disconnected sexuality and creativity.

Pain in the lower extremities.

Feeling dry, rough, mobile, thick, dense



Self Care Practices

To increase deficient water element

Abhyanga (oil massage)
Salt scrub
Increase hydration
Decrease alochol and drying substances
Drinking sole (salt water)
Eating wet foods
Taking a shower or bath
Swim to move energy
Tongue scraping
Practice accepting the ever changing current and ebbs and flows of life

To decrease excessive water element

Use atringent or bitter herbs to stop damp qualities
Be clear with boundaires
Notice you go with the flow too much
Avoid foods that create excess water/mucus in the body

Water is always flowing to the sea but needs direction , dams and boundaries.

Contemplative Questions


When do I feel powerful, like huge waves?


Do I tend to yield like a river and adapt to what is in my path?

When do I avoid or bend too much?

When do I feel dry, stuck and unflowing like a summer stream?


Am I hydrated?


Where can I set more boundaries in my life?